heritage craft documentary

Arts Alive offers fiscal sponsorship to new arts organizations working their way towards independence as nonprofits and to artists exploring community-centered projects and creating work in the Monadnock region.

the big idea:

“Crafted”, a feature-length documentary will tell the story of New England through the vehicle of traditional Heritage Crafts and of the people who make them, highlighting the vital role they play in the preservation of cultural heritage and the sustainability of global resources.

Heritage Crafts are more than just functional objects; Heritage Crafts are vehicles of story. When you look at a basket, you are looking at the hands that made it and carried it, the natural materials of the land that bore it, details of the everyday life that necessitated it. Stories of who we, where we came from, and even the history of our region & landscape are within the form & material of our Heritage Crafts. By examining the evolution of the tangible things made by inhabitants of this region ( shelter, clothing, tools, transportation, art) and through interviews with local archeologists, historians and the crafters still working with traditional designs and techniques, this documentary will tell the story of the people of New Hampshire & wider New England. Additionally, it will promote sustainable & ethical practices as shown through traditional crafting using traditional techniques and natural materials as opposed to mass produced objects.

Our goal is to shoot, edit & release a feature length documentary (50 mins +) for local debut and PBS markets.

Join our journey to document traditional crafts in New England and discover the stories of their impact on our region with a gift today!

Donate today!